Hey everyone,
I’ll send out a newsletter tomorrow to recap my September Useless Observations, but I felt the urge to get some thoughts out about fatherhood first. I realized that my daughter will be a month old on Sunday and I’m feeling all sorts of feelings and emotions. Before I get teary-eyed I need to power through this first.
The two big things that no one prepares you for as a new parent are active sleeping and violent farts. It’s terrifying to see her thrashing or swinging her limbs wildly but also still be asleep. It’s taken a while to get used to that. The other is that if she’s screaming and crying and smells maybe she didn’t poop. It could be a violent fart instead. I always thought the Toots or Poops trope was just funny because it rhymes but it’s so real. Potty training should be fun.
I’ve been very pleased with how well the dogs have been with Quinn. Especially Mabel who’s curious but also a little protective. They’ll get extra treats and belly rubs after this.
After watching the live-action version of Aladdin and The Lion King, I’ve decided that Quinn’s only going to watch the original animated versions of the classic. The people who made the live-action versions had no clue what made the originals great. Most removed the music or main characters or plot lines that I truly enjoyed, like Mulan removing Mushu. Quinn needs to learn about Mushu.
Daytime TV sucks. There’s nothing on TV that’s worth watching before 7 pm EST. As a result, I’ve been watching a ton of Netflix. Also, not sure how I missed this but Love & Hip Hop might be one of the best shows ever created. Shoutout to the Creep Squad.
One of my coworkers told me before I went out on paternity leave that I could do most diaper changes using only one wipe. That’s such a lie. Taking off the diaper seems to be Quinn’s signal to let it rip. Whether that’s the changing table or the bathtub, I’ll buy as many wipes as I need to preserve my own sanity.
These Herobility bottles are lifesavers. Not sure where we would be without them.
Sounds like its going swell. You will get the one-wipe-charlies soon enough.
We're due in 10 days. These are invaluable insights.